Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Just realized today that Complete Ancient Greek has vocabulary sections only up to unit 9. After that, they say that you should look up unfamiliar words in the vocab at the back of the book. That was kinda unexpected. What do you think of the practice?


  1. My first impression is that I hate flipping through dictionaries so i would rather see new words glossed on the same page if possible. Right now I am reading an edition of Longus' Daphnis and Chloe where all the vocab and notes are on facing pages and it has been a delight not to have to open an lexicon. What one is supposed to go in the situation, however, is make sure you guess out loud the meaning before you look over at the gloss.

    On the other hand, this new book tries new things, so I would be willing to give this method a try.

  2. I think that might have something to do with it. They want you to be more challenged, so if you have to look it up in the back, you'll be more prone to try to remember it. At least, that's what I'd think. :)

  3. I have a very poor memory myself so I find that when I am reading a text and need a quick gloss I will lose my concentration and not remember so well if I have to hunt. Reading Athenaze I have found that words that are glossed are easy to review quickly over many repeated readings so they seem to stick well. I think if I had to continuously look up words I would just get frustrated with the process.
